Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A (VEGFA): A Cornerstone in Angiogenesis and Beyond

Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A (VEGFA): A Cornerstone in Angiogenesis and Beyond

Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A (VEGFA) is a pivotal signaling protein involved in both vasculogenesis and angiogenesis, processes essential for the formation of blood vessels during embryonic development and the growth of new blood vessels from pre-existing ones. As a member of the VEGF family, VEGFA plays a critical role in the regulation of endothelial cell function, affecting vascular permeability and endothelial cell proliferation.

The Molecular Biology of VEGFA

VEGFA is characterized by its gene located on chromosome 6p21.1, encoding a heparin-binding protein that promotes endothelial cell growth, migration, and survival. The VEGFA protein undergoes complex post-translational modifications, which influence its bioavailability and activity. Alternative splicing of the VEGFA gene results in multiple isoforms, with VEGFA165 being the most abundant and biologically active form. These isoforms differ in their ability to bind to VEGF receptors (VEGFRs) and co-receptors, leading to varied biological effects.

Table: Characteristics of Major VEGFA Isoforms

Isoform Amino Acids Properties Binding to VEGFRs Primary Functions



Freely diffusible, does not bind heparin


Angiogenesis, minimal role in vascular permeability



Most abundant, binds heparin

VEGFR-1, VEGFR-2, Neuropilins

Angiogenesis, vascular permeability, endothelial cell migration



Binds heparin strongly, sequestered in extracellular matrix

VEGFR-1, VEGFR-2, Neuropilins

Angiogenesis, involved in the formation of fenestrations, sequestered biological activity



Binds heparin strongly, sequestered in extracellular matrix

VEGFR-1, VEGFR-2, Neuropilins

Similar to VEGFA189, limited availability due to strong matrix binding

Physiological Roles of VEGFA

VEGFA is instrumental in physiological processes beyond angiogenesis, including wound healing and the female reproductive cycle. It enhances vascular permeability, allowing for efficient exchange of nutrients and waste products between blood and tissues. In embryonic development, VEGFA guides the formation of the cardiovascular system. Its expression is tightly regulated by hypoxic conditions, with hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1) being a key upstream regulator, ensuring that VEGFA levels respond to the oxygen needs of tissues.

VEGFA in Disease

Dysregulation of VEGFA expression is implicated in various diseases, particularly those involving abnormal angiogenesis and vascular permeability. In cancer, VEGFA promotes tumor growth and metastasis by enhancing the supply of oxygen and nutrients through new blood vessel formation. It also plays a significant role in age-related macular degeneration (AMD), where excessive VEGFA activity leads to pathological angiogenesis in the retina, causing vision loss.

Therapeutic Applications and Challenges

The discovery of VEGFA's roles in disease has led to the development of anti-VEGFA therapies, primarily for cancer and AMD. These treatments, including monoclonal antibodies and soluble receptors, aim to inhibit VEGFA signaling. However, therapeutic targeting of VEGFA presents challenges, such as resistance to anti-angiogenic therapy in cancer patients and potential side effects related to impaired physiological angiogenesis and wound healing.

Emerging Research and Future Directions

Recent research focuses on unraveling the complex regulation of VEGFA and its receptors, identifying new therapeutic targets, and developing more effective and safer treatments. Studies exploring the role of VEGFA in regenerative medicine, such as tissue engineering and the treatment of ischemic conditions, are particularly promising.

Ethical and Societal Implications

The manipulation of VEGFA levels raises ethical and societal questions, especially in the context of enhancing athletic performance or unauthorized use of anti-angiogenic therapies. The potential long-term effects of modifying a fundamental process like angiogenesis necessitate careful consideration and regulation.


VEGFA is a critical molecule in vascular biology, with wide-ranging roles in health and disease. While therapies targeting VEGFA have shown promise, ongoing research is essential to fully understand its functions and to develop more effective and safer therapeutic strategies. The future of VEGFA research holds great potential for improving human health across a spectrum of diseases.


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Written by Tehreem Ali

Tehreem Ali completed her MS in Bioinformatics and conducted her research work at the IOMM lab at GCUF, Pakistan.

9th Mar 2024 Tehreem Ali

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